Muting the January Blues

December went away as fast as it came. The post-festive feeling didn't even bother to linger this year, though it did leave some stains under the surface. I woke up this morning groggily feeling like missing a big gap, while my mind started playing the Christmas Tree Farm song quite all of a sudden, realizing how very short-lived the merry spirit was this time. It really bummed me out that I had to experience my first January blues eight days into the new year, but a quick Twitter search had proven that I was actually not alone.

So January blues is frankly a phenomenon. After those decorations are taken down and the joy of holiday shopping has been banished, after the intimate feeling usually summoned around Christmas time has evaporated and we have to bid the holiday's mood goodbye, going back to normal suddenly feels like returning into a gaping chasm. Empty as it may seem, muting the void, however, is far from impossible. Even though the rain has been pouring down almost non-stop lately and days after the holidays strangely seem shorter, we have to at least do something to mute the January blues. 

Following the excitement of highly anticipating Christmas then New Year and having it all settled in place one after another, facing nothing to look forward to may seem difficult. I can now understand the buzz around making up yearly resolutions. The list might still be cornered in your drawer at the end of the year, lying low with no checkmark at all upfront, but while I couldn't see the point before, I surely can now. It is not reaching the goal that matters. It is having something to look forward to, no matter how absurd, that is fun. Probably the cure to January blues and also the best way to benchmark your whole year later.

As I was lunching with my Mom and sister before cozying up in a cafe this afternoon, I made a mental note of things I need to do more this year. I want to waste less time procrastinating on the weekends (weekdays are tied up with work so I should spend some fun time more often), shamelessly take pictures of every little thing, and make memories. I'm hoping to tackle Ã‰tude Op. 10 No. 4 by Choplin and Csárdás by Monti as well, travel more (obviously after Covid), and dye my hair balayage. It is also my deepest desire to eat more healthy food, be more aware of my mental health, and regularly do some exercises (hopefully the mood will come around).
Going out and having a proper lunch with your loved ones could definitely cure the blues!

Ah, the resolutions. I am honestly one who was always so skeptical about their use but here I am now, filling a whole paragraph with a bunch of things to aim for. May the blues take off faster than your ticking clock on the weekend, friends. 'New year, new me' has always been a phrase that I think is a bit exaggerated, but I guess it is looking quite adequate for an afterword, so:

New year, new positivity, new us. Cheers to a better start.